Learn about Anjali's internship and the career development skills she's gained in the professional work environment.

Anjali Verma

Name: Anjali Verma

Location: Western Australia

University & Course: Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Murdoch University

Graduation: 2022 (expected)

What types of things were you involved with during your internship? 

 I worked in the sample prep both dry and wet.

What advantages has completing the internship given you?

There are many advantages of working there including the knowledge I gained from my experiences, teamwork, practical skills, and opportunities to run big level of experiments.

What was the biggest challenge you faced during your internship?

The biggest challenge for me was to try and complete things in different but correct ways.

What was the main thing that you learned during your internship that you’ve since been able to apply to your professional life or studies?

 All the operations I did in my internship, later I did them in my university lab. It was kind of enjoyable for me as I knew all the things prior to the other students.