Learn about Meg's internship experience and the career development skills she's gained in the professional work environment.

Meg Phillips

Name: Meg Phillips

Location: Tasmania

Course & University: Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronics Engineering), UTAS

Graduation: 2023 (expected)

What types of things were you involved with during your internship?

The first project I was involved with was researching new door access systems for the offices that allows for multi-site access management. I did a feasibility report and failure modes analysis, before implementing the hardware in the office.

I worked on an Industry 4.0 project that involved creating a SCADA interface to control a PLC using IoT protocols for a client. This involved PLC programming, writing user manuals, and learning new SCADA software.

I also made CAD models for miscellaneous projects, completed various training courses, and went on-site visits to see projects in action.

How did you find out about your internship opportunity?

The internship opportunity was part of a scholarship sponsored by Cromarty.

What opportunities has your internship given you?

The internship has given me access to training for various drafting and SCADA softwares for free, and has opened up the opportunity for potential further employment at the company after I graduate.

What advantages has completing the internship given you?

I have developed my understanding of ICT and computer systems, learnt new skills with SCADA and CAD technology and practiced my technical and non-technical writing skills. The experience has also expanded my professional network and allowed me to form great relationships with the people in the team I worked with.

What was the biggest challenge you faced during your internship?

The biggest challenge for me was being completely unfamiliar with certain softwares I was using and having to overcome the steep learning curve to become familiar with these. I used the resources that were available to me and wasn’t afraid to ask for help or clarification on how parts of the software worked. Through trial and error I was able to learn new aspects of the software each day until I could independently and confidently use the software to develop and debug projects.

What was the main thing that you learnt during your internship that you’ve since been able to apply to your professional life/studies? 

Resourcefulness and creativity are key to problem-solving. I often was given tasks that were completely out of my depth initially, but I started with research (lots of Youtube!), asked my coworkers questions, tried applying different methods, and slowly could put the pieces together to achieve what initially felt unachievable.